The video in itself looks very professional. The first ten seconds of the video I would say are the most professional looking. The opening shot is well lit and is very steady, it sets the scene and looks very professional.

The pan of them fighting is a really good combination of shots and is very smooth. Then the close up, cross processed, shot of the males face fits in very well. The close up of his eyes is a very shaky shot and is off centred. It’s a creative shot but could have been smoother.
Quite a few of the shots could have been smoother and the framing could have been better as well. Weirdly enough on the lip syncing shots the shaky and off framing kind of works and fits with the song. The close up of the writing at first is in focus and then goes off and on again. This could have been intentional to fit the beat but it looks off. The close up of him writing is very good though and a good angle. The lip sync its self is very good. There isn’t much of it but it works and fits with the narrative. The narrative at first didn’t seem to work because the music is slow and the couple where fighting. The slow motion helped but I felt that they should have showed something calmer. The use of lighting is done very well especially in the cross processed shots. The location was well thought out and fit well with the narrative. To improve the video i would have paid more attention to the framing and focus of the camera more and maybe had the fighting build with the the tempo of the music giving it a better effect.
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