Friday, June 28, 2013

Real Media Texts - The Only Excpetion - Paramore (2010)

The music video opens with Hayley Williams waking up on a couch next to a guy and writing a note that says "I'm sorry". Then she walks to the next room and hugs a man, based on the lyrics, is her father. There's a conversation with Hayley showing him a photo of someone, guessing her mother. Before she goes into her room and sticks the photo to her mirror, singing about how love doesn't exist. The photo shows who we guess is her mother and father standing together. This connotes and follows the lyrics showing they are behind her disbelief.
She then goes through a costume closet and into a restaurant set, where a rotating cast of men pose as her date. She then moves into the next room, where there's a wedding, everyone is wearing white, but she is dressed in black. This connotes her disbelief in love and makes her sad expression stand out from everyone else. She flees the scene when the bride enters.
 During the chorus of the song, the clip cuts to the scenes where she sings "Darling, you are the only exception" while lying down on a giant pile of Valentine-themed cards. She is also dressed in lighter colour foreshadowing her later belief in love.
Throughout the video, clips of Hayley singing with the rest of the members of Paramore in a low key background are shown, such as Hayley sitting down singing into a microphone, and the other members playing instruments. These are typical live performances of the genre.
In the video's final moments, Hayley spots the same guy she woke up to at the beginning of the video in the crowd at a rock show. After fantasizing of the two being together, she then makes her way back through the various rooms to the original set in the beginning of the video. When Williams sings "And I'm, on my way to believing", she returns to the couch where the guy is still asleep, and hides the note she wrote in her pocket as she lies back down next to him. Connoting her now belief in love because of him.
The camera shots are mostly mid or long shots to show everything that is going on around Hayley. The only shot that really just focuses on Hayley's face is when she is on the cards.
The transitions are mostly cuts for continuous tracking. This gives the video a surreal effect.

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